Saitama Workout Program
Ready to be a hero? Save a city (or the planet), all while being nonchalant about it? Looking like a hero is a good start to becoming one. With this program you can look like Saitama, the hero of One Punch Man, without even having to shave your head.
Ready to be a hero? Save a city (or the planet), all while being nonchalant about it? Looking like a hero is a good start to becoming one. With this program you can look like Saitama, the hero of One Punch Man, without even having to shave your head.

Ready to be a hero? Save a city (or the planet), all while being nonchalant about it? Looking like a hero is a good start to becoming one. With this program you can look like Saitama, the hero of One Punch Man, without even having to shave your head.
36 pages
1 year-long workout program
Principles of Fitness and Nutrition sections