How To Look Like Toji

Toji from Jujutsu Kaisen


Since the release of the second Jujutsu Kaisen season Toji Fushiguro has been a fan favorite. This is not only because he is a true badass, one of the only characters who gave Gojo a run for his money, but also because of his physique. Unlike most of the characters in the series Toji doesn’t rely upon jujutsu sorcery to fight. Instead, Toji’s combat abilities are purely a mix of physical strength, endurance, and agility accentuated with powerful relics. And with his physical abilities, it’s no wonder why he is the most notorious and successful sorcerer assassin of the franchise.

Toji’s exemplary physique has inspired hundreds of thousands of fans to begin working out and to take their workouts up a level. In this blog post I will analyze Toji’s physique then program some workouts based on it.

First, let’s analyze Toji’s physique.

Analyzing Toji’s Physique

Toji Full Body Physique

Toji full body image

Toji’s physique varies depending on whether you are using the manga or the anime as a guide. Additionally, Toji’s physique has also taken on a separate look within the imagination of the JJK fandom. Toji in the anime is much more muscular than in the manga. Toji in the fandom’s imagination is a little larger and more defined than in the anime.

For the purposes of this analysis, we are going to mainly use Toji’s anime and fan physique.

In the anime Toji has a well-balanced and muscular physique. The above picture shows a full body image of Toji. In the image he looks proportional, athletic, and well developed. The portrayal of his physique osculates between this athletic view and a much more muscular one. This can be misleading because both physiques require different training styles.

Let’s operate under the assumption that this difference in the anime is due to the limitations and costs associated with animating a more muscular physique. This post will focus more on the more muscular Toji aesthetic rather than the athletic. This is because most people think of Toji’s physique as extremely muscular rather than athletic.

Toji Upper Chest and Traps

Toji Upper Chest and Traps

The highlight of Toji’s physique are his traps. In the anime we see Toji wear either an oversized shirt or a well fitted one. The oversized option, as seen above, accentuates his extremely well-developed traps. Furthermore, Toji’s neck is also extremely muscular. This level of neck development is most often seen in wrestlers and strength athletes. Assumedly, Toji’s trap development comes from intense training and the wielding of heavy weapons.

Toji’s arms are also very well developed, as seen in the above photo. This particular photo, of him swinging a sword, highlights his biceps and triceps. Although his triceps seem disproportionate to the size of his bicep, this is not so much an issue as the bicep is a smaller muscle. Furthermore, the position of his arm further de-emphasizes the size of his bicep. Overall, his arms are his second most prominent part of his physique.

Toji Back Muscles

Toji Back Muscles

The above picture is a fan drawing, and also probably one of the most famous portrayals of Toji’s physique. This image, and one with a shirt, circulated around the internet in anticipation of the second JJK season. This, apart from the anime, was many people’s first introduction to Toji’s physique. Such drawings are valuable in that they give us a perspective not seen in the anime, namely Toji’s back.

What we can discern from this image is that Toji’s back is extremely well developed. At the top, and the middle, we see that the artist has paid consideration to the mass of Toji’s traps. Secondly, they have illustrated a back respective of Toji’s size as sometimes shown in the anime. Lastly, the curve of his back is extenuated by his low bodyfat percentage. Like many anime warriors a low bodyfat is a compliment of the fighting lifestyle.

Lastly let’s discuss Toji’s chest. Toji’s chest, as seen in this picture, is slightly underwhelming compared to his shoulders and arms. One would expect his chest to be larger considering his overall size. But this expectation may be a symptom of the various perspectives that exist around Toji’s physique. For example, Toji’s chest in the fan art previously shown is much larger than his chest in the above picture.

Another explanation for this weak point could be that he does not specifically train his chest. His shoulders, arms, and back can all be explained by the physical requirements of combat, especially the swinging of a weapon. A similar conclusion was found in my How To Look Like Guts blogpost. Nevertheless, when creating a Toji themed workout program, it’s best to still include specific chest training. This way one can develop a full and balanced physique.

Similarly, even though his legs are never shown, and we can only speculate on their aesthetics, legs will also be included in any programing. We must assume, given his speed and power, that his legs are equally as built as the rest of his body. Consequently, we are left with the impression, that no matter the frame of reference, Toji’s physique is not only muscular but muscularly balanced.

Next, I will offer you some Toji workouts that you can try for yourself.

Toji Workouts

Workout 1: Shoulders and Legs

Heavy Shrugs: 4 x 8

Military Press: 4 x 12

Superset (Dumbbell Lateral Raises, Reverse Flyes): 3 x 12

Barbell Squats: 4 x 8

Deadlifts: 4 x 12

Workout 2: Arms and Abs

Cheat Curls: 4 x 6

Ez-Bar Curls: 4 x 12

Heavy Hammer Curls: 4 x 8

Standing Triceps Extension: 4 x 10

Heavy One-Arm DB Kickbacks: 4 x 6-8

Weighted Roman Chair Sit-ups: 2 x 5 mins

Cable Woodchoppers: 3 x 20

Workout 3: Chest and Back

Wide Grip Bench-press: 4 x 8

Dumbbell Flyes: 4 x 12

Heavy Barbell Rows: 4 x 6-8

Lat Pulldowns Wide-Grip: 4 x 12

Lat Pulldowns Close-Grip: 4 x 12

One-Arm Lat Pulldowns: 3 x 15


Toji’s phenomenal physique is a good inspiration for all fans of the franchise. If you want more Toji workouts, an entire year-long workout program, check out our Toji Workout Programs below.


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