Overcoming Gym Fear

A Gym


Going to a commercial gym for the first time can be an intimidating experience. It's not just about entering a new space, but also navigating a setting filled with regulars who seem to know exactly what they're doing. It's natural to feel as if all eyes are on you, judging whether you belong or know your way around the equipment. Moreover, not knowing what to do once you're there can add to the anxiety.

However, there's no need to worry! This blog post is designed to guide you through everything you need to know for your first gym visit. Let's make your initial foray into the world of fitness as smooth and stress-free as possible!

Selecting a Gym

Find a Gym

Not all gyms are the same; each one has its own distinct culture, typically shaped by the fitness discipline it supports. For instance, gyms like Planet Fitness cater to a general fitness crowd. These large establishments offer a variety of machines and equipment suitable for most exercise routines. They often provide classes and personal training, making them an excellent choice for beginners.

On the other hand, gyms such as Gold’s Gym are geared towards bodybuilders. These facilities usually feature more specialized equipment and foster a more intense environment. The culture here is centered on the collective effort to achieve peak physical form. Regulars are typically bodybuilders, and while these gyms can have supportive communities, beginners might find the atmosphere a bit daunting.

CrossFit gyms are another popular type. These establishments boast tight-knit, intense communities and require the use of specialized equipment. CrossFit workouts are more technical than traditional exercises, making these gyms less beginner-friendly. If you're interested in CrossFit, it’s advisable to take a few classes before committing to a regular schedule at a CrossFit gym.

Lastly, influencer gyms, like Zoo Culture, represent a newer gym type. These gyms are often frequented by social media influencers and their followers, focusing more on visibility than fitness. With cameras frequently present, the environment might not be conducive to those new to the gym. Beginners might prefer starting their fitness journey in a less publicized setting.

Have A Plan

Make A Plan

Now that you've chosen where to work out, it's important to plan how you'll exercise. A well-thought-out plan can alleviate 70% of the stress associated with being new to the gym. Not only does it guide your workout, but it also helps you avoid looking lost or inexperienced.

A good plan includes the details of your workout, instructions on how to perform each exercise, and an understanding of what equipment is available at your gym. As a beginner, it's highly recommended to obtain your first workout plan from a reliable online source. These plans are often designed by fitness experts who have a deeper understanding of exercise than someone who is just starting out. Excellent resources for finding workout plans include YouTube and Bodybuilding.com.

Once you have a workout plan, you should research how to correctly perform each exercise. This step is crucial not only to prevent injury but also to help reduce the stress of appearing inexperienced. Diagrams and videos demonstrating nearly every exercise can be easily found online.

When choosing weights for each exercise, it's wise to start conservatively. Overestimating your strength and failing to lift a weight can be embarrassing. Always err on the side of caution and underestimate your capabilities until you gain enough experience to accurately assess what you can handle.

Enjoy Yourself


The last step to overcoming gym fear is to enjoy yourself. When we enjoy an activity we forget about all the anxieties surrounding it. So this final piece of advice is to just get in the gym, start working out, and lose yourself in the processs!


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